Thursday, December 3, 2009

Buying Old Furniture

I've been wanting to get an old nyonya pantry cupboard for quite some time now. There is really no other piece of furniture that is so closely associated with the Malayan kitchen. In my primary school days, I would come home from school and head straight for my grandmother's cupboard where lunch awaits. It is very hard to find one in KL now unless you are willing to pay quite a high price for an over-refurbished piece.

So, it was with this quest in mind that I drove down to Malacca with Lars last month. We went straight to my favourite junk store in the old Chinatown which is ran by a rather eccentric proprietor, Mr Tham. I ended up buying a 1930s turquoise cupboard for a little over RM200. It's not a proper pantry one but I like the old paint job. Looking at this photo, you might think WTF? It needs a bit of work but I can make it quite presentable. I am thinking of lining the inside with striped or polka dotted cupboard liners.

I am really inspired by the way Tricia Guild furnished this New York loft:

Meanwhile, as I was negotiating, Lars got busy checking out the odd self-help messages that old Tham put up around the store.

At least the guy has some entertainment value.


  1. i like stripes. but i think lining with polka dots will make it cute. and alil different!!! =)
    where is the cupboard la btw?

  2. It's still in the guy's storeroom. Will arrange for delivery when I have my place ready. I may need you to help me look for good cupboard liners, hehe.

  3. haha quite business savvy this mr tham :P

  4. Loft - is that perspective or do the coffee table legs look like they're about to fold in on themselves?!

  5. love the cupboard - i can so get the look you are trying to channel.. my sis does up her place a bit like that too - the old colonial look. our house is coming along ... a bit more european though ( will send you photos when it is done!) x
